What is a variable product?
A variable product is a type of product in e-commerce that has multiple variations based on attributes such as size, color, or material. Each variation can have its own price, SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), weight, and other specific attributes. This allows customers to choose the exact variation of the product they desire.

Here’s an example to illustrate:
Let’s say you’re selling T-shirts on your e-commerce website. You have a single product listing for a “Basic Cotton T-shirt,” but customers can choose from different variations:
- Size: Small, Medium, Large, XL
- Color: Black, White, Blue, Red
- Material: Cotton, Polyester
Each combination of size, color, and material represents a unique variation of the product. For example:
- Variation 1: Small, Black, Cotton
- Variation 2: Medium, White, Polyester
- Variation 3: Large, Blue, Cotton
Each variation may have its own price and inventory level. This allows customers to select the specific combination that meets their preferences, and it simplifies the purchasing process by consolidating similar products into one listing. Additionally, it provides flexibility for managing inventory and tracking sales for each variation separately.
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