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Archives: Seller Handbook

Getting Paid: Know Your Payment Process

This guide provides detailed information about the payment process for sellers on Makers India. Understanding when and how you get paid is crucial for managing your finances effectively. Below, we outline the different scenarios under which you can withdraw your earnings and important policies related to payments. Payment Withdrawal Options Instant Withdrawals Automatic Withdrawal Advance …

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What is SKU?

SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit. It is a unique identifier assigned to each distinct product in a store or warehouse. SKUs are primarily used for inventory tracking and management purposes. Think of a SKU like a secret code that helps stores and warehouses keep track of their products. Just like how each person has …

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How to change the pickup address in the Makers India seller account?

As a seller on Makers India, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information in your seller account is crucial for a seamless and efficient business operation. One essential aspect to manage is the pickup address, which plays a pivotal role in the logistics and delivery process. Whether you’ve recently moved your business location or need to make …

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How to ship and pack product: A Makers India Seller’s Guide

Welcome to Makers India! In the dynamic world of e-commerce, effective product shipping plays a pivotal role in customer satisfaction and the overall success of your business. This article is designed to assist Makers India sellers in optimizing their shipping processes and product packaging for a seamless and delightful customer experience. Section 1: Shipping Process …

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How to create a vendor/seller account on Makers India?

Thinking about joining the Makers India family? Exciting! Whether you’re a seasoned artisan or just starting your creative journey, Makers India is a fantastic platform to showcase and sell your unique products. The best part? Creating a vendor account is absolutely free! Follow these steps to become a part of the Makers India seller community: …

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